Wearing A Sports Mouth Guard Is Critical To Dental Safety

Wearing a mouthguard can appear uncomfortable and a bit overrated before the moment you realize it's essential to your dental safety during athletic activities.

With school back in session, high school and college athletes are heading out to practice again. Sports-related injuries are unavoidable. Wearing a sports custom mouth defender could be instrumental in preventing a number of the accidents that come as a result of blows to the head, face, and jawbone.

Wearing a mouthguard when participating in your game of choice can save you from unnecessary dental injuries, protect the jaw and prevent cuts to the cheek and tongue, and help you avoid serious injuries to the roots and bone that hold your teeth in place. Maybe most of all, wearing a mouth guard may also help to prevent concussions.

For a dentist who has practiced oral surgery, general dentistry, dental implants, and cosmetic dentistry I often see sports-related damages. These cases often require significant dental repair.

Quite often these injuries could have been prevented if dental safety measures, like wearing a mouthguard, were heeded. These mouthguards are shaped to your teeth in the dentist and are demonstrated to be the very best protection, though they will be the most expensive option.

Custom mouthguards are shaped to your teeth in the dental office and are proven to be the best protection, though they are the most expensive option.