The Amazing Guide To Invisalign Tooth Straightening System

Over a million people have been treated with Invisalign to straighten their teeth. Tens of thousands more are undergoing treatment to reap the amazing results.

What Does Invisalign Braces Do?

Your first step to obtaining Invisalign braces from your local supplier. This dentist will be able to help you discuss your current conditions and how they can be treated.

You can visit if you are looking for Invisalign treatment in Orange Park.

Marino Family Dentistry - Orange Park, FL - (904) 269-2185

If your dentist determines you are eligible for Invisalign treatment, they will present you with three options.

1. Ordinary Invisalign Braces – This is the most popular Invisalign procedure. This procedure can treat the most severe dental conditions and takes between 12 and 36 months to complete.

2. Invisalign Braces Express This express treatment method was created to speed up the treatment of minor dental problems. This particular Invisalign treatment is not as effective as the standard Invisalign. It's, therefore, less popular.

3. Invisalign Teen Braces: This is the option for young sufferers. The Invisalign system for teens is suitable for those with rapidly developing young teeth.

Invisalign uses a 3D modeling program and X-Ray to create a 3-D styling for your jawline and teeth. Your dentist will create a customized set of aligners and retainers based on the model.