Tag Archives: wine spritzer

Summer Drink Recipes For Everyone

We've all seen it on TV or in a restaurant, a drink that looks like summer. They have a refreshing and thirst-quenching look which makes them very appealing to the eye, and most of the ones I have tried have the same appeal to taste buds. What gave them that summer look and appeal?

One of the ingredients in many drink recipes is simple syrup. Make your simple syrup and season it with fresh herbs. You can also check for the best summer drink recipes via https://drinktinto.com/blogs/wine-wisdom.

Summer Drink Recipes

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Just like steaming herbs with oil or vinegar, you can pour them into a simple syrup. It's quick and easy to make, and your simple spice syrup can not only be used in your favorite summer drink recipe but can also be used to sweeten tea.

A simple recipe for syrup (with spices):

2 cups sugar (or cake-grade sweetener)

2 glasses of water

Herbs of your choice

Tip: use fewer herbs if you choose a stronger one, such as B. Rosemary.


Mix sugar and spices; Use the muddler to grind the ingredients into sugar. This will release the oil from the spices and add flavor to the syrup. 

Combine water and sugar-herb mixture in a saucepan, bring to a boil and stir until sugar is dissolved. Your simple syrup is now ready to be refrigerated and stored for about a month.

Most summer drink recipes can be made with or without alcohol, so they can be used to please all your guests. Have you ever tried a non-alcoholic mojito? It's just sparkling mint and tastes good. You can customize any recipe by adding or removing alcohol.