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Physical Therapy After A Cape Cod Injury

Physical therapy is a type of treatment that helps people with injuries to recover by restoring their ability to move and function as they did before the injury occurred. Physical therapists help patients heal by doing exercises that improve muscle flexibility and range of motion, helping them regain strength and endurance. They also work with patients on modifying their lifestyles so that they can better manage their pain and recovery.

Physical therapy after a Cape Cod injury can provide many benefits, including improved movement and function, decreased pain, and reduced stress. Physical therapists may focus on specific exercises or stretches to help improve your range of motion and reduce pain. In some cases, they may prescribe medication or other treatments to help speed the healing process. For more info about physical therapy, you must visit www.capefearortho.com/physical-therapy.

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It is most effective in individuals who have suffered a sporting-related injury. Physical therapy can help improve movement, flexibility, range of motion, strength, and balance. Injuries that typically require physical therapy include ligament sprains, fractures, strains, and dislocations.

Physical therapy can be helpful in the following stages after a sporting-related injury:

Stage 1: Initial assessment and diagnosis

Stage 2: Rehabilitation begins with the basics to help restore function and reduce pain

Stage 3: Continued rehabilitation to address specific deficits or compensations caused by the injury

Physical therapy begins by identifying any current injuries the patient may have. Next, the therapist will work to restore the range of motion and muscle function. This can be done through a combination of exercises and stretches. The therapist will also help to manage pain and inflammation. Finally, the therapist may recommend medication or other treatments to help recovery go smoothly.