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Diet Care After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Removing your wisdom teeth isn't painful enough and eating right after teeth removal may be more difficult than the actual procedure. Your dentist may advise you to limit your consumption of liquids and soft foods for the first 24 days following an extraction. 

Knowing what foods are safe to eat will speed up your recovery as well as reduce post-surgical pain. You can also look wisdom tooth extraction dentists, in Cranbrook, book appointment now.

The dos and don'ts of aftercare wisdom tooth extraction. 

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For the majority of people, cold fluids can help to lessen pain and swelling. Avoid very sweet or high acid drinks as they may irritate the flesh that is raw in the area around the extraction site. Ice tea, cold shakes, and sugar-free slush drinks are all excellent cold drink alternatives.

Lukewarm beverages can also help reduce discomfort, particularly for those who have sensitive teeth. Warm tea, coffee, and clear soups can ease nerve pains, which can get worse after an extraction. Avoid drinks that are extremely hot as they can make the pain more severe.

Healthy foods include mashed potatoes, soups, and slow stews. They also include cooked fruit cooked fish, pasta dishes that don't require any chewing. Scrambled eggs, omelets, and hard-boiled eggs are all safe choices for breakfast. Oatmeal and soft-cooked cereals and bananas are typically healthy breakfast choices as well.

Cream soups, noodles soups, and soft stews are great options for lunch and dinner. Canned beef stews are generally safe, however, it may require cooking for a while to loosen the meat rather than simply heating. Avoid stews and soups that include rice, large chunks of food items, chewy grains, and dumplings. Although dumplings are technically considered to be soft food, they may expand into a tough or gluey ball while chewing.