About Chemical Peels For The Face

Chemical peels are typically used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including acne, sun damage, aging spots and wrinkles. Chemical peels can also be used as an alternative treatment to injectable fillers – they're gentler than fillers and they don't require needles. 

CHEMICAL PEELS, also known as chemical skin resurfacing, are a type of medical procedure that use a variety of chemical agents to exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin.

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What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a type of medical procedure that uses a variety of chemical agents to exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin. Chemical peels are considered safe, relatively inexpensive, and can result in a significant improvement in the appearance of the skin. 

The most common types of chemical peels used in dermatology are the superficial (or basic) peel and the medium-depth peel. The superficial peel is used to remove the outermost layer of the skin; this is typically done on areas that are sun-damaged or have acne scars. 

Benefits of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are one of the oldest and most effective skin care treatments. They work by removing the top layer of the skin, which is responsible for impurities and dead skin cells. Chemical peels also offer a wealth of other benefits, including:

– Reduced wrinkles

– Fading acne scars

– Reducing age spots

– Improving pigmentation

– Tightening pores

Chemical peels are a great way to improve the look of your skin. Chemical peels can be used at any stage of your skin care routine.