Tag Archives: pink salt

How Does Pink Himalayan Salt Function?

Pink Himalayan salt is a high quality volcanic salt which is mined from the Salt River of India. It is oxidized salt which has had its properties altered in order to make it more durable. It was introduced into the world market only during the last century.

Some of the main characteristics of pink Himalayan salt are:

Rich content: Himalayan pink salt contains four to six times more minerals than the sea salts like sea salt, sea salt perchlorate and sea salt salts. Its mineral content is higher because it was dug out of the Salt River of India which is rich in minerals. This is considered as the most concentrated of all natural minerals. Although the sea salt mineral content is high, pink Himalayan salt is considered as the highest mineral salt.

Color: The color of pink salt differs according to the colorless variety of salt. This salt is naturally pink in color because it was dried before it was oxidized. If you are planning to buy pure Himalayan salt, you should consider that the pink Himalayan salt is known for its dark color.

Length of time of maturity: Himalayan pink salt is considered as the highest quality of natural minerals. It is as long as 6 years, which makes it the longest of all natural minerals. So when you buy this salt, you should consider the length of time it has been graded by different independent grading bodies.

Refined: This salt is extracted from salt water and then it is processed to make it more resilient and durable. There are many products made from this salt. They include the following:

Biofuels: The product of refining is known as bio fuels. Bio fuels consist of many natural, organic and chemical compounds.

Activated carbon: This carbon is used as an ingredient in soaps, shampoos, detergents and even in cosmetics. Activated carbon contains high amounts of aluminum and potassium.

High pH: The pink Himalayan salt is ideal for use in laundry and bathing. The alkaline pH of the salt helps in cleaning clothes and keeping them free from lint and bacteria. The amount of minerals and trace minerals in it is also very important.

Light: It is known that pink Himalayan salt has a low melting point. This prevents the product from separating easily once it gets exposed to heat.

Pink Himalayan salt has been used as a household or culinary product since the year 1693. It is available online.