Tag Archives: Certification

What Are The Benefits Of Food Certification?

Food certification is an important and necessary process for restaurants and food suppliers. There are many benefits to food certification. The first is that, by meeting certain standards, you can become a part of the USDA Organic Program where you will be required to maintain high standards of food production. Certification can also help ensure that the product is safe and secure while reducing the chance of contamination. 

All food, regardless of its source or destination, must be inspected and certified in order to be transported. You will get to know more about food certification through different websites like globalfoodsafetyresource.com/food-safety-certification/. Thirty-five countries have written laws that require imported food to be certified.

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Certification is important because it provides the consumer with a guarantee that the food they are buying has been inspected by a competent authority. The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011 requires food manufacturers to standardize safety measures for the production and handling of their products. Some common certifications are HACCP, IFS, and BRC. 

The process of finding a credible certification agency is not an easy one. A good place to start is asking your favorite local grocery store which certification agencies they work with. They should also provide you with a list of the products that are certified by them so you know what products are in their store.  

The most important benefit is that consumers can be assured that the food they eat is safe to consume. Another benefit is that it provides clarity on what was in the food before it was processed.