Tag Archives: asvab military exam

Identify Your Strength And Weakness With ASVAB Practice Tests

When you have completed basic combat training, your next military training is known as AIT, or Advanced Individual Training. Training institutions are the place where you will be trained in practical and oral exams. 

There are two types of results that will be generated when you opt for the online ASVAB course or best military aptitude test study guide. You take the test and get an AFQT result, and you also have a linear result. The two results are created by adding different parts of the ASVAB online practice tests, also called subtests.

Army Qualification Test (AFQT) results were obtained from four of the nine ASVAB subtests: Paragraph Comprehension (PC), Word Knowledge (WK), Mathematics Knowledge (MK) and Arithmetic Thinking (AR).

This ASVAB guide will walk you through the process of how the device works. You will also use it as a reference guide if you make a mistake and need additional help. However, you will need to learn everything you need in no time. 

AIT can take anywhere from 6 to 84 weeks, but most take 9 weeks depending on the MOS you choose at MEPS. You still have this weekend to yourself and even out of the post, but it was a privilege to win.

The Air Force, Army and USMC qualify their recruitment for specific jobs or in military terms (MOS) and Air Force Special Codes (AFSC). Although the Navy and Coast Guard do not use linear results, they still use actual results from the ASVAB subtest to determine the correct deployment of recruits.